Genealogy overview


Terminal SNP of Paul Gibson currently R-FTD56633 via Big-Y 700 with Family Tree DNA. mtDNA is H3ap. Autosomal tested with Ancestry & Family Tree DNA (also on MyHeritage). Surnames Gibson Mallard Kirkham Scarisbrick Betton Lee Lampkin and Loo Geddes MacKay for my wife Bernie.


After 40 years of searching, I have found the biological Father of my wife, Bernie, through DNA testing. Bernie is 50% Scottish & 24% Chinese. She is only 1% English and is as much Korean @ 1%. Maybe that's why we both drive Kias!


Similarly, I have also found my Father's Father via DNA testing. 




Former Holt Green Blacksmiths and Ormskirk Church


This is where one of our Scarisbrick ancestors worked, as a blacksmith (we think). He was was buried at St Peter's and St Paul's Church, Ormskirk. The former blacksmiths is at the top of Brookfield Lane, about 50 metres from where my parents now live!